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Buy or Sell Property in Shiv Colony Palwal

Feel Free Contact us for Buy & Sell any type property in Shiv Colony Palwal

 Name :  Shiv Colony 
 Type :  Authorised Residential Colony 
 Address :  Shiv Colony Palwal
 Property Available for Sale :  Homes & Plots
 Property Rates :  Rs. 12,000/- to 60,000/- per Sq. Yards
 Plot Size :  50 - 300 Sq. Yards approx.
 Contact :  +91 - 999 173 2080
 Nearest Landmarks :  Colony is near to NH-2 Palwal
 Colleges at Reached :  Shri Ram College, Rattan College, GGSD
 Schools nearest : DG Khan, Golya Convent School
 Bank :  PNB Bank, SBI, Axis Bank

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